• Lib clus 34 s
  • Liberty liberty clusterclam
  • Liberty clusters in field
  • Liberty official

Enfriamiento Alto


Liberty blueberries are a late season, fast growing, upright bush and has performed well in Oregon and Western Washington. Harvest begins 7-10 days before Elliott. Liberty blueberries are slightly flat, sky-blue in color, and have a balanced appealing flavor. High temperatures during harvest of the Liberty blueberry can result in soft fruit. Berries detach extremely easily making proper operation of mechanical harvesters important.

Licensed Variety Badge

Varietal Licenciada

Licensed to Fall Creek®. Royalties may apply. Please contact your regional Fall Creek® representative for details.

Tamaño de la Baya:

Mediano-Grande Medium - Large Size
Uso Primario: Fresco, Procesado
cualidades de la fruta: Light Blue, Balanced Flavor
Hábito del Arbusto: Abierto, Vertical, Vigorous
Nivel de Enfriamiento: Enfriamiento Alto
Temporada de Maduración  
Triangle Season Scale

Liberty is now considered the standard mid-late season variety in Europe. It performs well in high chill regions with a good cold hardiness performance. It is a variety that requires good pruning practices to ensure good fruit. Liberty has an excellent aromatic blueberry flavor.
--Antonio A. Alamo
Breeding and R & D Manager