• Farthing

Low Chill


Farthing blueberries are an early ripening, newly-released variety that has gained interest for its high yields, strong and compact growth habit, disease resistance and machine harvest potential. Farthing blueberries are dark in color and can become small in size with a large percentage of red backs if plants are allowed to over crop. We recommend the Farthing blueberry for commercial trials in the Southern region.

Licensed Variety Badge

Licensed Variety

Licensed to Fall Creek®. Royalties may apply. Please contact your regional Fall Creek® representative for details.

Berry Size:

Medium - Large Medium - Large Size
Primary Use: Fresh
fruit qualities: Crisp, Firm, Mild Tart Flavor
Bush Habit: Compact, Rounded
Chilling Level: Low Chill
Ripening Season  
Triangle Season Scale

This is just one of many outstanding varieties available through
Fall Creek®.